Thursday, June 10, 2010

Getting There!

Well, we have ONE day of school left!  What a year!  We started our school year last July, with a pretty loose summer schedule.  It was actually helpful later in the year to be a few days ahead.  I didn't have to worry if there were days we couldn't "do school" because we were already ahead of the game.  Now, though, I am ready for a break - and I know Rory is!

We're working on the house (mostly Rory and I).  So far, I feel like I have a handle on the kitchen, the living room, and finally the playroom.  We found the middle of the room today - just a few corners that need straightened, but the table is clear, and the toys are off the floor, which is a GREAT improvement!

I added red beans to my canning pantry.  All of the jars even sealed the first try!  It was fun, because I had a friend over who is interested in learning to can.  Funny that I should be a mentor, since I'm pretty clumsy at it, but we had a good time, anyway!

I made a new bread recipe yesterday, and a new cookie recipe today, both with oatmeal.  The recipes are out of the "Simply In Season" cookbook.  So far, everything I have tried in there has been very good!  (I even got the canned bean recipe from it).

I decided to try a book on tape from the library.  I LOVE to read, but don't always get the time I'd like, so I decided to try listening.  It's hard to do with the kids, but I found that I can listen while working in the kitchen, and it makes the time go by more pleasantly.

Lily spent all day yesterday in big-girl panties!  She managed to use the potty all day!  Today, not so much, but she's trying!

Rory is sleeping with two fireflies in a jar - yay, summer!

Both kids are asleep, so I'm going to straighten the kitchen, and get ready for bed!  Good Night!


  1. Hi Robin,
    I love listening to books on tape. I can't wait till we get moved and settled into our new home so I can get back to cooking.

  2. I would love to learn canning from someone! And I've never thought of canning beans before...I wouldnt even need a garden for that! I'm trying to decide on Mollasses cookies or homemade brownies for my baking project today. Could you share the oatmeal cookie recipe with us?


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