Friday, November 19, 2010


Boy, I just realized how long it has been since I posted on this blog.  It seems that time has gotten away from me.  But, there are seasons in our lives, as well as seasons in the year.  I looked outside this morning, and it was snowing!  This is the first snow for our area since last winter.  While I thought "I hope we can get where we need to go, today," I also had a sort of giddy feeling.  I have felt that way since I was a child at the first snowfall of the year.  I don't think it's so much the snow.  It's really the fact that something is changing.  I get similar feelings with the first flower in spring and the first red leaf in autumn.

So, we've had a busy couple of months, with Story time at the library, Soccer, AWANA, Co-op, Hubby's surgery, school, and life in general.  Lily is starting to use the potty more, and is almost able to dress herself (she still needs help with fasteners, and sometimes getting things on in the right direction).  Rory has finished soccer, and the score for the last game was 5-0 (his team won!)  Mike is healing, and is supposed to return to work on Tuesday.  I'm a little disappointed, because it's been nice having him home.  It's good to see him feeling better, though.

A great thing is that my sister-in-law has started coming to church with us!  She usually comes over to our house for lunch afterwards, and it's been good having more time with her.  Sometimes we go after lunch to visit my brother-in-law, who is in a rehab center learning to use his new prosthetic leg.  He expects to be able to go home, soon, which will be a great change for him!

We have a square dance to go to tonight, and I have a new piano student coming tomorrow.  And, next week is Thanksgiving already!  (Yep, and black Friday the day after).  Soon we'll be planning for Christmas, and it will be 2011.  Time flies!  Happy Holidays, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. it has been a while since we've heard from you.
    have a fun holiday with your family and friends. god bless all of you.


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