Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm Published!

How to Design Your Own Homeschool Curriculum

Good morning, everyone! I wanted to let you know that I am a published author! I was accepted as a writer for Suite101, an online source for articles of all sorts. I submitted my first article last night, and it was accepted and published! I don't know if I'll make any money, because it works on royalties based on the ads around the article, but I am hopeful that this may be a way I can do some work from home. Anyway, I enjoy writing, and it was rather fun. It's kind of exciting to see something you've written published like this! So, as you can see, it is called "How to Design Your Own Homeschool Curriculum." This is actually something I've done, and I am working on making the curriculum I used for Rory last year into a book to sell. In the meantime, though, pray that this article will do well flying around on the web!


  1. Congratulations, Robin!

    I will have to check it out sometime soon!
    Could you e-mail me the link so I won't forget?!

  2. Thanks, Michelle - I sent you the link! Let me know what you think of it.

  3. Congrats and best of luck! It is nice to be able to make a little side income from home :)

  4. Congratulations Robin! How exciting! I am actually working on something to be published as well, but it is far from finished and I don't know if or how the Lord will use it. But, I do love to write, so I know how exciting this must be for you! Blessings to you my friend!

  5. Robin, I read the article. It was very well written. Congratulations!


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