Thursday, April 21, 2011

From the Schoolhouse

Schoolhouse by morsephoto, photobucket
I'm in a homeschool kind of mood, today, so I figured I would share some of the posts from Schoolhouse at Glen Hill.  This is a blog I started recently which only focuses on homeschooling.

One of the first posts was School at Our House.  I decided to post a bunch of pictures depicting our better times at homeschooling.  It's funny, as I look back at it, because most of the pictures aren't about doing worksheets or listening to the teacher (me) talk.  These are things most of us associate with school, but when I think back on the last couple years, these are not the things that leap out to me as being important.

Probably in the back of my mind, I was thinking of this when I wrote Next Year's Curriculum.  I am trying to save money, and didn't want to purchase a lot of materials for next year, so I started scrounging around the house to see what I could find.  I've enjoyed this year's curriculum, but I am ready for a change.  It has been a little stressful for me to have to fit in certain activities on certain days.  As a result, I'm going back to designing my own, like I did for first grade.  Incidentally, I am working on developing the first grade curriculum on New York State into an elementary/middle-school aged curriculum to sell.  I'll keep you posted!

The last post I'd like to share was something that helps to explain why we have continued homeschooling.  When we started, it was more of a reaction to the difficulty my son was having at school, but as I've become more aware of the public schools' agendas, I am beginning to have different reasons.  What's Happening in Our Schools? includes a link to an article about occult influence in the schools today.  It's kind of frightening to think that our kids are taught that everything is okay, except Christianity.  "Things that make you go -HMM!"

Well, there you have it.  I hope you enjoy the posts!  

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