We just found out yesterday that Lily has Lyme Disease. She has been having fevers for the past few days, but didn't seem to have a cold or the flu or anything. Then, we noticed a rash around her ear. So, off to the doctor. She now has 3 weeks of antibiotics to deal with. Luckily, however, we seem to have caught it relatively early, so hopefully she will not have too many complications.
This can be a very difficult disease to deal with. I had it years ago, and it took a very long time for me to get better. Please pray that it will be a short illness for Lily, and that she will be back to her own funny self soon! Thanks so much!
Glad you caught it early. Both Nathan & Emily had stage 2 Lymes with Bell's Palsy years ago. We never knew they had been bit. :-( Fortunately, we caught Stephen's early too.