Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Old Grind

I'm not a real "schedule" kind of person.  I'd rather do things when I feel like it.  That said, I've been trying to develop a schedule that will help me to keep on top of the homeschooling, housework, and "extras" such as story time at the library and playing piano at church.  This past weekend, I stayed up late one night (see what I mean?) and came up with (yet another) written schedule.  This time, I even added in when the kids were helping with meals and what day specific chores were done.

I must admit, that as the week has progressed, I've been pretty pleased.  I've gotten things done as they needed to be done, and the kids have done their chores with minimal angst.  And then came today.  It was my fault.  I got messed up trying to print pictures this morning, and started school late.  We got to the library, but hadn't had our usual mid-morning snack, and by the time we got home everyone was famished and weepy.  We managed to have lunch, but I have been dealing with two whining kids (and a whining cat - what gives?) all afternoon.  Oh, and I forgot to mention that the kids got to bed late last night.  Hmmm...could there be a connection?

So, I think we'd better get back on schedule tomorrow - I think I'm starting to like schedules a little better, now.


  1. HI Robin I have a great book called Managers of their Homes I can lend it to you if you like. Its a scheduler for homeschooling moms :)Stephanie

  2. Schedules are great! I know I feel all out of sorts if I don't follow one. I read the book Stephanie recommended and it is good. It's a little two scheduled but you can tweak it to fit you.

  3. I totally hated schedules but over the years I grew to love them because they helped me maximise my time better as I was particularly terrible with time management.

    Thanks so much for stopping by at my blog every now and again


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